Keterangan :
map mi.i v0.1 by Ian gnck siapa sih yg tau author ini, map ini udh termasuk lama sekali di versi 1.15 kini udh ada kembali lagi di versi 1.22 - 1.41.
map work di all dlc dan non dlc map ini masih tak lihat sangat sederhana 😂 ya betul sebab ini masih tahap pertama sebelum versi 0.3.1 kayanya di versi sudah tak test di versi 1.22,1.21,1.23,1.25,1.26,1.30,1.37,1.40 untuk versi 1.24 silahkan di coba sendiri,1.31,1.32,1.33,1.34,1.35,1.36,1.38,1.39 sebab keterbasan di laptop saya mau penuh..
untuk jika nemu crash silahkan di laporkan ke saya ke dengan membawa game log dan jelaskan secara rinci..jika crash tapi tidak lapor maka tidak saya proses..jika lancar jaya gk usah lapor ke saya gampang kan?
mi.i map v0.1 by Ian gnck who knows this author, this map has been around for a long time in version 1.15 now it's back again in versions 1.22 - 1.41..
this map works on all dlc and non dlc maps it still doesn't look very simple, right because this is still the first stage before version 0.3.1 Apparently in version 1:30..
the map has not been tested on version 1.22,1.21,1.23,1.25,1.26,1.30,1.37,1.40 for version 1.24 please try it yourself,1.31,1.32,1.33,1.34,1.35,1.36,1.38,1.39 because of limitations on my laptop full
for if you find a crash, please report it to me to by bringing the game log and explain in detail.. if it crashes but doesn't report it then I won't process it.. if it goes well, you don't have to report it to me, it's easy right?
Urutan map, Map sequence:
Material def map
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